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Holiday Letter 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone

I decided this year to put our letter on line. That way, if I think of anything after it’s written, I can just slip it in. Plus the cards I bought this year are so small I didn’t’ think a letter would fit in them.

Peter sold his maroon Corvette last year right before Christmas. So all my gifts for him went out the window as they were based around that car! He did get another ’67 Corvette soon after. This one is green and a convertible (both of which I like!).

We did a lot of car shows this year with (and sometimes without) the Corvette. Whenever we take the Corvette to an NCRS judging it gets Top Flight (the highest award).

In January we drove (not the Corvette) to Scottsdale, AZ for a long weekend to go to the Barrett-Jackson Auction. There was a lot of rain that weekend and a big windstorm blew the tents down onto all the classic cars at another auction nearby. Looked like every car there had some if not complete damage. Horrible.

In June we flew to Chicago for another long weekend to go to the Bloomington Gold Corvette show & judging. The car that Peter sold last year was there, being judged.

In August we took our vacation in Bend, OR. We flew up there and had the Corvette brought up in a trailer for a judging. Bend is beautiful. We loved it there.

The resort that we stayed at offered white water rafting, something I’ve always wanted to do. Peter didn’t want to do it, but somehow I got him to. He was miserable, but I had a blast!

You'll notice in the photos from our expressions, how much fun we each had!! LOL

After Bend, we drove to Portland for a couple of days before flying back home. I got to meet up with a friend I haven’t seen in over 30 years. It was so fun.

I became a Scentsy consultant in January. I fell in love with the product before even seeing it. Just the smell of baked apple pie coming out of a friend’s house got me and I signed up. I’ve had a lot of success with it and have moved up to Lead Consultant with 11 people on my team. I’m planning to become a director in 2011 and hopefully retire from my job at Shield Healthcare.

Check out my web site at Scentsy

Maggie is happy and healthy. She still enjoys walking and rolling in the grass the most. She is the perfect dog and we are so happy to have her.

Kenny & Jordan are doing well. They just moved back to Palm Springs to work in Alex’s pet grooming shop. They have a nice three bedroom condo there.

Katrina is living in Newhall with her boyfriend, Lonnie. He has a house and a big backyard where they have a garden that Katrina loves working on. Lonnie’s mom has a dog grooming business that they both work in also. Hmmm, sounds like a trend here.

Doug & Alex got married this year. They had to go to Connecticut to do it, but hopefully soon our law will change and they can have a ceremony here.

We have actually had rain throughout the year. Even in July! So there have not been any major brush fires. That’s unusual.

Well, that's our news for 2010. We hope you have a wonderful holiday season, and a peaceful and abundant new year.

Love, Peter & Annie

Other web pages to visit -

2007 photos

2009 photos

Annie's Scentsy Site