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Holiday Letter 2014

Happy Holidays Everyone

2014 seemed to be a much calmer year. I am still doing Scentsy full time and also working here and there at childcare homes. I got a semi-full time job doing childcare with a friend who has a daycare home expanded from 6 kids to 12. But, her daycare keeps fluctuating up and down. So I only work there a few hours a month.

We started off the year with a lot of funerals. My nephew, Jimmy, passed away before Christmas. A couple of Peter's family's friends/relatives, our good friend (Peter's sister's ex-husband) and Peter's cousin. All within a couple of months of each other.

Peter is still working at Budweiser. Lately he has been working 7 days a week (usually only 6 days a week!). He didn't do as many car shows and Concours this year. Some were cancelled, some he couldn't do because he had just done them, and some he couldn't do because of work.

We didn't travel much this year either. I did not go to the Scentsy convention this year. It was in St. Louis, and it was just too expensive. We weren't even going to take a vacation, but at the last minute, we booked the same cruise that we did last year, just up and down the California coast.

The reason we weren't going to take a vacation is because we booked a huge trip for next year. Karen & Mike (Peter's sister & husband) took a river cruise from Vienna to Prague. When they came back they raved about it so much that it talked us into it. We are leaving May 31 - flying to London for a few days, then flying to Prague where we will stay a few days, then on the ship to go down to Vienna. Peter's family comes from Prague, so we will be looking up places.

I have been having a lot of trouble with my knee. Getting Cortisone shots every few months. Might need a replacement.

Kenny moved this year. He found a house in Morongo Valley, which is about 20 minutes north of Palm Springs. It's so cool out there. It's definitely a desert. His house is on the upslope from the valley, so you can see the entire valley from his front door. There are very few paved roads, and to get to his house you have to take several dirt roads. But it's so peaceful there. He helps a neighbor with her horses and she's teaching him to ride. All of his neighbors are great, and they all look out for each other. The house is one bedroom/one bath, but there is a guest house with another bedroom & bath. He has a lot of property.

Katrina is doing great. She is living with Doug & Alex in Palm Springs. She works 30-40 hours a week at two pet boutiques (same owner) in Palm Desert and Palm Springs. It's nice to have her happy & healthy. I'm very proud of both kids.

Maggie is doing fine. But I haven't been able to walk her much because of my knee.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season and an abundant new year.

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